Jeni Cumming and I had the opportunity to participate in the Progressive Playwright event at The Tron Theatre on January 22nd. To be selected, we each submitted 5-10 pages of scripts responding to the theme of “desire.” We were both really excited to participate and found the close work with the actors and directors very informative. To prepare for the event, we each spent an hour at The Tron observing a rehearsal of our pieces. Personally, I had never written anything that someone else was directing and interpreting so the experience was completely new. After rehearsing that day, we saw the pieces (alongside two other selected scripts and one extended piece from the previous month’s event) performed before an audience. Following the staged readings, the audience had the chance to ask questions and give feedback to the playwrights. Having that immediate reaction from people not familiar with our work is a great way to develop our writing skills and connect with other Glasgow playwrights. I am really happy to have had the chance to participate in this event and would encourage anyone who is interested in developing their playwriting to apply!
Image © Emily Rowan Photography
Written By: Molly Ziegler, MLitt Theatre Studies