Semester Two has seen our informal script workshop become a regular event. We meet most Fridays to share works-in-progress. Last month some of this work went on to be performed at The Tron Theatre’s Progressive Playwright event on 22 January.
This week’s Scriptch night featured works-in-progress by Elspeth Sweatman (I Used to Believe in Forever) and Olan Kiatsomphol (International Affairs).
Both plays have developed out of work undertaken on the MLitt Playwriting and Dramaturgy’s Playwriting One course and vary quite substantially in theatrical style and subject matter: Elspeth’s piece explored the fragility and political charge of interactions between a high school counsellor and a grieving student; Olan’s tragicomic work focused more on the idea of prejudice within an international LGBT+ theatre community.
‘’I had the opportunity to join the ‘Scriptch Night’ last Friday and it was a really amazing experience. My work-in-progress script was read aloud and performed. It was great that my script was performed in front of theatre students and got feedback from them. This is a great opportunity to see how the idea works and to help me develop the script. It was also great to see Elspeth’s and Alan’s scripts performed. I can see their creative input through their works and it is very unique and inspirational. Such a great project and would love to ‘scratch’ again soon’’ – Olan Kiatsomphol.
In previous weeks we’ve enjoyed work by Andy Edwards, Marie Yan, Molly Ziegler and Glenys McIntyre. I have personally found the combination of semi-staged performance of my own work with insightful group feedback to be extremely valuable as I also continue my creative journey here at Glasgow.
It’s been wonderful to hear so many different voices so far and may many more join us over the coming weeks!
Written By: Jeni Cumming, MLitt Playwriting and Dramaturgy
All photos © Emily Rowan Photography